如果item表的name字段为''就用resource_library 表的resource_name字段前面加上字符串Review更新它,他们的关联关系在表resource_review_link中。
- update item i,resource_library r,resource_review_link l set i.name=CONCAT('Review:',r.resource_name) where i.item_id=l.instance_id
- and l.level='item' and r.resource_id=l.resource_id and i.name=''
JOIN UPDATE & JOIN DELETE文章源自很文博客https://www.hinwi.com/很文博客-https://www.hinwi.com/20086.html
- update a
- set a.schoolname = b.schoolname
- from tb_Std as a join tb_Sch as b on a.School = b.School
- where a.std_year = 2005
- go
- /*
- (2 row(s) affected)
- */
- select *
- from tb_Std as a join tb_Sch as b on a.School = b.School
- /*
- A School A A School
- 2 2005 A A School A A School
- 3 2004 C A School C C School
- 4 2005 D D School D D School
- (4 row(s) affected)
- */
- delete a
- from table1 a, table2 b
- where a.col1 = b.col1
- and a.col2 = b.col2
The above SQL statement runs fine in SQL Server.文章源自很文博客https://www.hinwi.com/很文博客-https://www.hinwi.com/20086.html
If the Oracle 9i has different syntax or if there is any other way to accomplish this with a single delete statement that would be really helpful.文章源自很文博客https://www.hinwi.com/很文博客-https://www.hinwi.com/20086.html
> Hi,
> Is the following delete statement possible in Oracle 9i.
> delete a
> from table1 a, table2 b
> where a.col1 = b.col1
> and a.col2 = b.col2
> The above SQL statement runs fine in SQL Server.
> If the Oracle 9i has different syntax or if there is any other way to accomplish this with a single delete statement that would be really helpful.
> Thanx in advance.
> -Bheem
Try this:
DELETE FROM table1 a where exists (select 1 from table2 b文章源自很文博客https://www.hinwi.com/很文博客-https://www.hinwi.com/20086.html
where a.col1 = b.col1 and a.col2 = b.col2);
Hope this helps,
Tom K.文章源自很文博客https://www.hinwi.com/很文博客-https://www.hinwi.com/20086.html